The Sylvee is located on the near east side of Madison at 25 S. Livingston Street a block east of High Noon Saloon and a few blocks east of Capitol Square.
The South Livingston Street Garage is located just across the street from The Sylvee at the corner of Livingston and Main Streets. Out of consideration for our residential neighbors, parking on neighborhood streets north of East Washington Avenue is strongly discouraged. Free on-street parking is available in non-residential areas near the Sylvee.
You can also visit the City of Madison Parking Utility website for a list of all downtown parking garages and lots.
If you’re biking to the show, The Sylvee is located a block off the Capitol City Trail where it crosses Livingston Street. There are bike racks located at the back of our building in the walk way between The Sylvee and Dreambank.